Message from the Chairman

We welcome you to NBM MODEL SCHOOL. Our aim is to provide top quality holistic education at Majdia, Nadia and our vision is to bring our students into the high level of achievement through innovation and modern technology. We have quality, creative, compassionate, caring, and inventive teachers in every classroom for all students. We know that learning is the path to get success; therefore, we are providing appropriate opportunities to all of our students, so that they can recognize their potentialities through project based learning, technology based modern teaching-learning method and a scientific curriculum. Our students will become creative and critical thinkers with successful problem solving skills. Consequently our students will be empowered enough to leave their mark on our society, achieve success throughout their lives and will grow as successful human beings who would always nourish their values, showers love and show respect to themselves as well as towards others.
We always desire healthy and effective environment for our children and this can only be possible when there is a real bonding between home and school. We anticipate that you will support the school in enabling us to deliver the best for your child.
With best regards,
Mahananda Biswas